How Clayhem got started

"It was pure joy from the very first try. I couldn't believe I managed to make six cereal bowls that my family started using. I wanted to learn more and get serious about this hobby."

Inspiration Came from Los Angeles

Clayhem's founder, Emma Alftan, was a complete novice in pottery until she attended her first course on a chilly October Saturday, led by the inspiring Cihu Heikkilä.

"It was pure joy from the very first try. I couldn't believe I managed to make six cereal bowls that my family started using. I wanted to learn more and get serious about this hobby."

Finding places to practice in Helsinki was really challenging, and the courses were all sold out.

Inspiration came from Los Angeles: "I visited The Pottery Studio in LA, and its founder Marshall Blair showed me around and shared their story. I realized that I too wanted to engage in such a place."

Once the space on Franzeninkatu was found, the decision was made. Clayhem began its operations.

*Clayhem's logo was designed by Vivan Daaboul. The website's photographs were taken by Alli Anttila. The studio's interior was designed by Anna-Kaisa Melvas. The workbenches were made by carpenter Rauli Paju. PR is handled by Anu Makkonen.

Joining is this easy!

If you're already familiar with the basics of ceramics, you can directly purchase a monthly pass and enjoy crafting on your own.

If you're starting from scratch, or your skills are at a primary school level, we recommend taking a beginner's course.

You can find our Courses and monthly memberships in our course store.

First step - master the basics with 'Ceramics for Beginners'

Join our beginner/basic course to grasp the essentials of ceramics. Our instructors are the experienced and inspiring ceramic designers, Sami Rinne and Elina Sallinen. After the basics of hand-building, it's easy to master two other techniques: slip casting and wheel throwing. We offer courses in both. If the courses are sold out, don't worry, we continuously open more. Information about new courses is always shared on our Instagram @clay_hem.

Second step membership

The best way to improve in ceramics is by doing! Join as a monthly member, and you'll have the flexibility to work with clay whenever it suits you best, without any rush.

Monthly memberships are sold in one or two-month packages.

The membership includes: access to the studio during opening hours, a personal shelf for your clay works, basic glazes, and use of communal tools. Clay and additional glazes are available for purchase at the studio, and there is a small fee for firing services. Firing prices can be found under the "Studio" section.

Welcome to the studio!

When you arrive at the studio for the first time, please check in at the office. We will introduce you to the studio and its practices.

We are also happy to answer any questions:,Phone 044 781 1161Address: Franzeninkatu 22, 00530 Helsinki.

The most convenient way to get here is by public transport, with both Hakaniemi and Sörnäinen metro stations nearby.


Our availability varies, so please contact the studio manager if you'd like to visit:
You are warmly welcome to join us!

Clayhemin studioon mahtuu jopa 40 yhdellä kerralla.
Meillä on käynyt yhteensä yli 50 yritystä asiakas-, tiimi-, tyhy-, kickoff- tai pikkujoulupäivän merkeissä. Voitte tuoda/tilata omat tarjoilut, meiltä löytyvät astiat ja muut tykötarpeet. Myös kokopäivän workshopit jne on mahdollista järjestää meillä.
Kesän kursseja on vielä myynnissä, ne keskittyvät elokuun alkuun. Lisää syksyn kursseja aukeaa vielä viimeistään heinäkuun alussa kurssikauppaan. Asiakaspalvelu lomailee heinäkuun, mutta jos töitä on noutamatta voi laittaa Whatsapp-viestiä numeroon 0447811161. Elokuun puolessa välissä juhlitaan Clayhemin 1-vuotisjuhlia! Tässä yhteydessä on taas mahdollisuus ostaa jäsenten upeita töitä. Jäseniä on kesällä ennätysmäärä, se on upea juttu! Lämmin kiitos kaikille upeasta keväästä, nähdään viimeistään elokuussa!
Moderni keramiikkastudio Clayhem Franzeninkadulla Kalliossa.
Clayhemin jäsenet myyvät upeita töitään pop-up kaupassa. Jäsenille heinäkuu kaupan päälle, kun ostat kesä- tai elokuun.

Clayhem Ceramics Studio - Helsinki

The studio features six large worktables, accommodating multiple creators at once.

Tools for clay processing and pottery wheels are also available. Clay can be purchased on site, and basic glazes (white, light pink, and transparent) are included in the monthly membership fee.

Membership also provides a personal shelf for drying and storing unfinished work.